Monday, May 12, 2014

save money tip #1: pack your lunch

A few have mentioned that a total overhaul of how you spend money and think about money can be hard for folks - that's a lot of change all at once So I thought I'd start some simple tips posts with things you can start today to save money.

This week: Pack Your Lunch


In San Francisco packing your lunch can save you $2,600 - $3,900 a year easy. That's literally spending $10 - $15 a day on packed lunch, 5 days a week.

I know, packing your lunch: hard. But it's not. If (a big if, I know) you are cooking your own dinners you can just make a little more and pack that for lunch. If you eat out - this restaurant portions are giant so save half for lunch tomorrow!

DOn't have a microwave at work? Pack a simple sandwich. Cheese sandwich, PB&J, even expensive lunch meant will be a net savings on being lunch each day:

Shopping lists:
Loaf of bread, mayo and block of cheese
Loaf of bread, peanut butter, jelly or jam
Loaf of bread, mayo, lunch mean, lettuce

And: fruit. bananas, apples or oranges make great lunch time additions.

Happy lunch making!

1 comment:

  1. Example: went to Off the Grid in the Presidio Sunday. Packed lunch of fruit, hard boiled eggs, almond butter & honey sandwiches and water. Had a blast! Saved: $20 - 40 in food my kid would likely have not eaten - she's not a big fan of cuisine mash ups!
